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Deepfake dilemma: Balancing integrity and free expression in elections

E CARTOON JUN 28, 2024.jpg

Deepfake, according to Merriam-Webster, is an image or recording that has been convincingly altered and manipulated to misrepresent someone as doing or saying something that was not actually done or said.

With the digital environment rapidly evolving, the use of deepfake and artificial intelligence (AI) technology has become more pronounced.

Will it significantly change the electoral landscape in 2025 and beyond?

The Commission on Elections (Comelec), in particular Chairman George Erwin Garcia, is wary about deepfake’s use in the coming elections. He has reasons to express deep concern over deepfake.

What had happened in Slovakia, Taiwan, the United States, and Nigeria, to name a few, are enough reasons to be wary. We should learn lessons from their experiences.

In Slovakia, deepfake defamed a political party leader during the Slovakian election, potentially influencing the outcome in favor of a pro-Russia opponent.

In Taiwan, outside forces attempted to deploy AI deepfakes to meddle in the Taiwanese election.

AI-generated robocalls imitated President Biden’s voice, discouraging New Hampshire voters from participating in the primary, while an AI-generated image falsely depicted former President Trump in Jeffrey Epstein’s plane circulated in social media.

A presidential candidate in Nigeria was falsely implicated in plans to manipulate the elections through the use of AI-manipulated audio clips.

With these developments, the Comelec is facing a dilemma: whether to ban the use of deepfake and in campaign materials for the 2025 mid-term elections.

A couple of weeks ago, the Comelec chief sounded the alarm and urged his colleagues in the commission en banc to ban the use of deepfake and AI in campaign materials.

What are the pros and cons of such a ban?

The positive impacts of banning deepfake and AI during the poll exercise include preserving election integrity, mitigating disinformation, and avoiding candidate manipulation.

Deepfakes can deceive voters by presenting fabricated content as genuine, similar to what happened in Slovakia, Taiwan, the United States, and Nigeria. Banning its use would protect the integrity of the electoral process. Voters deserve accurate information to make informed choices, and deepfake undermines this fundamental right.

Deepfake can also spread false narratives, damaging candidates’ reputations and influencing election outcomes. It could also be used to manipulate a candidate’s statements or actions, leading to unfair advantages. By banning deepfake, the Comelec can curb the spread of misinformation and maintain a level-playing field. It would also prevent malicious actors from exploiting AI-generated content for political gain.

However, there are also concerns in banning deepfake. These include curtailing freedom of expression, challenges in enforcing the ban, and its unintended consequences.

Banning deepfake raises concerns about limiting political expression. Some argue that creative use of AI enhances electoral campaigns. The complexity of implementing a ban is another concern. Identifying deepfakes and enforcing guidelines require robust mechanisms. There had been attempts in the past to regulate social media campaigning, but this yielded limited success, and the same challenges persist.

A ban may also drive deepfake creators underground, making detection even more difficult. Additionally, legitimate satire or artistic content could inadvertently fall under the ban.

Striking a balance between protecting elections and allowing legitimate expression is crucial. But balancing election integrity and freedom of expression is no easy task. Comelec must weigh the risks and benefits carefully, learning from global experiences.

As we approach 2025, let us navigate the deepfake dilemma with vigilance, ensuring that the essence of free choice in a truly democratic society is not unduly affected or degraded by the use of AI and other technologies.

Credit belongs to: www.mb.com.ph

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