Eastern Ontario farmer discovers new variety of truffle

A new variety of native edible truffles was discovered by a Franco-Ontarian farmer in Wendover, Ont.  Lucille Groulx uncovered the unique fungus on her Wendover, Ont., farm. When Lucille Groulx started her truffle farm in Wendover, Ont., in 2015, she was using truffles she had imported from France. Only later …

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Serpent’s forked tongue

Since Hamas’ control of the Gaza Strip, it has used civilian facilities either as training grounds for its terror campaign or as cover for its lairs. The terrorist organization Hamas, through more than two weeks of conflict, proved that deception is among its expertise, as it led many to believe …

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59 Filipinos in Lebanon ask for repatriation

Protesters clash with Lebanese security forces outside the US Embassy in Awkar east of Beirut, during a demonstration in solidarity with the Palestinians of the Gaza Strip, on October 18, 2023. Thousands rallied across the Arab and Muslim world on October 18 to protest the deaths of hundreds of people …

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Zubiri says SC ruling did not diminish Senate’s power to probe

Senate President Juan Miguel “Migz” Zubiri on Monday, October 23 downplayed the impact of the Supreme Court’s decision denying the Senate’s petition challenging the constitutionality of a memorandum issued by then President Rodrigo Duterte. The SC has denied the Senate’s petition challenging Duterte’s order banning government officials from attending the …

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