Ukraine’s Zelenskyy slams ‘war on civilians’ as Russian attacks leave at least 10 dead

Russian attacks overnight and on Wednesday killed at least 10 civilians in Ukraine, while senior Ukrainian military officials said their troops had made some headway in counteroffensive operations in the country’s south.  Ukraine military officials say their troops are progressing in southern advance. Russian attacks overnight and on Wednesday killed …

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Inflation is cooling. The cost of living crisis is not

Inflation is decelerating, which should give the Bank of Canada enough wiggle room to pause interest rate hikes. But there’s a big difference between things not getting worse and things getting better.  The good news is that things aren’t getting worse. The bad news is that they aren’t getting better …

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Amid inflation, a housing crisis and conflict with Trudeau, Alberta adopted rent control — 48 years ago

Sky-high inflation. Exorbitant rent increases. Conflict between Alberta and Prime Minister Trudeau. The year is not 2023. It’s 1975.  How the Lougheed government came to embrace a policy it long opposed, and what parallels exist today. Sky-high inflation. Exorbitant rent increases. Conflict between Alberta and Prime Minister Trudeau. The year …

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