BRI boosts global trade amid turbulent times

NEW YORK: A multidimensional connectivity network envisioned in the next stage development of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) enhances global trade threatened by fragmentation due to geopolitical tensions, a renowned US scholar has said. “Multidimensional connectivity, which is intrinsically win-win, will increase trade incentives, augmenting efficiencies and reducing costs, …

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Cruise tourism: DOT unlocks an ocean of opportunities

Being an archipelagic nation opens a world of opportunities in tourism since we could have more ports, which means more entry points for tourists who want to explore our land. This is the reason behind the move of Department of Tourism (DOT) Secretary Christina G. Frasco to highlight the Philippines …

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Waging war from hospitals

Hamas terrorists operate inside hospitaals precisely because they know the IDF distinguishes between terrorists and civilians. Terror group Hamas never fails to amaze the world with its brand of treachery and cruelty deserving of its tag as modern-day Nazis. The Israel Defense Forces recently located the Hamas terror group’s main …

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