Protect the environment at all costs

Environmental protection is of paramount concern to the government. Apart from various laws and policies on the protection of the environment, the Supreme Court issued a continuing mandamus on Dec. 18, 2008, directing key government agencies “to clean up, rehabilitate, and preserve Manila Bay, and restore and maintain its waters …

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Sinking in perdition

“As global anti-Semitism intensifies, the relentless, disproportionate, and ritualistic condemnation of the world’s only Jewish state at the UN must not be allowed since the double standard damages the UN itself. The United Nations’ role in spreading global anti-Israel sentiment is the subject of an ongoing inquiry in Capitol Hill …

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De Lima blames it all on Rody

Says she ‘can’t forgive’ yet ex-President for her years in prison Former Senator Leila de Lima said she has yet to forgive former President Rodrigo Duterte for what she said were trumped-up, politically motivated charges against her. “I have been praying to God to give me, grant me the grace …

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