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Beijing says forces acted with restraint

“Law enforcement measures taken by the China Coast Guard at the site were professional and restrained,” foreign ministry spokesman Lin Jian told a regular news briefing in Beijing.

He said that “no direct measures” were taken against Filipino personnel.

Images from China’s Coast Guard shared by state media purported to show the confrontation on Monday, declaring: “The Chinese coast guard carried out boarding and inspection of a Philippine boat for the first time.”

Photos showed two Chinese vessels approaching what it said was a smaller Philippine vessel from either side while another Chinese boat tailed closely behind.

They showed Chinese coast guard officials then boarding the encircled vessel. AFP was not able to independently verify the images.

China deploys coast guard and other boats to patrol the waters around Second Thomas Shoal and has turned several reefs into artificial militarised islands.

It has stepped up moves against Philippine vessels in the area in recent months. — AFP

Credit belongs to: www.manilastandard.net

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