Home / Entertainment / How Derrick Monasterio and Alden Richards address gay rumors

How Derrick Monasterio and Alden Richards address gay rumors

THERE’S probably not a single actor who isn’t rumored to be gay. Even the “tough” ones with nary a slight trace of “gayness” in their outward demeanor are not spared from this public misjudgment.

In the case of Kapuso actors Alden Richards and Derrick Monasterio, one might wonder how they’re dealing with persistent talks that they’re limp-wristed.

Do they feel slighted, worse, insulted? Or are Alden and Derrick simply unaffected or unbothered knowing how secure they are with their sexuality as well as their sexual preferences?

Let’s take up Derrick’s case first.

It was on his guesting on “Fast Talk with Boy Abunda” where the main host asked Derrick pointblank: “Are you gay?”

Derrick could have spewed a convenient “No!” reply yet he initially opted to take a personal stand on the subject.

“It’s just like saying: ‘You’re so fat!’ or ‘You’re so ugly!’ Clearly, the intention of the person saying it to someone is simply to annoy them! It’s exactly the same when some people tell me I’m gay, they’re just teasing me!”

With their career trajectory steadily taking an upward turn, should the baseless gay rumor matter? INSTAGRAM PHOTOS/ALDENRICHARDS02, DERRICKMONASTERIOWith their career trajectory steadily taking an upward turn, should the baseless gay rumor matter? INSTAGRAM PHOTOS/ALDENRICHARDS02, DERRICKMONASTERIO 

This vexation all the more gives Derrick a reason to dismiss it.

While there’s hardly any truth to such cruddy talks, his real-life girlfriend and screen partner Elle Villanueva admitted she had told her parents that Derrick was gay.

An only child to overly protective parents, Elle had to make it up for the latter to realize she was in safe hands. Ergo, harmless.

Well, that was the only time Derrick was made to “experience” a life of being gay.

Seriously though, the Kapuso actor has a lot to thank Elle’s gay reference to him for. A Godsend, it was Elle who Derrick says has turned his life around.

Meanwhile, Alden takes this gay impression of him with a grain of salt to avoid any further argument.

“If they think I’m gay, fine!” stresses the 32-year-old actor.

Nah, it’s not Alden’s way of lending some credence to a far-fetched assertion but more of giving in to what delights his bashers.

He calmly qualifies, “If that’s what makes them happy, so be it. I’m not about to take that right to happiness away from them.”

It appears oddly ironic though that amidst these gay issues confronting Alden, talks about his “marriage” to Maine Mendoza and siring a child with her wouldn’t cease to this day — this even if the latter is already a happy, content wife to Quezon City Representative and actor Arjo Atayde.

If only for these unnerving, disturbing rumors — there isn’t a scintilla of doubt that Alden’s and Derrick’s careers have flourished by leaps and bounds.

With their career trajectory steadily taking an upward turn, should this baseless stuff matter?

End of argument.

* * *

GUESS WHO? Can the word “non-biodegradable” also be used to describe a person? Hear this story out.

Once a visibly exasperated singer-actress (SA) stormed in the office of her home studio, looking for one of the resident PROs.

“Where’s (name of the PRO)? Isn’t he supposed to come today?!” the SA asked the staff she bumped into at the entrance.

The SA was told the PRO was on his way, “Why, is there a problem?”

Much to the staff’s surprise, the SA began cussing the PRO.

Apparently with a bone to pick with him, the SA shot back while holding that day’s newspaper issue: “Isn’t he supposed to get paid for coming up with nice write ups about me? Are we paying him for all this trash?!”

Cooler heads intervened to pacify the SA who was ranting at the top of her voice but hell broke loose.

“He had better not show up while I’m here or I’d shove this newspaper to his face! @#$%&*!”

In a minute or two, the unknowing PRO was entering the office.

“Oh, there he is!” the office staff motioned to the still-furious SA.

As she turned her head toward the PRO’s direction, it was even the SA who approached him and smilingly hollered: “Hello, Tito (PRO’s name)! What took you so long, got caught in the traffic? So how are you? Blah-blah-blah.”

Credit belongs to : www.manilatimes.net

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