Home / Philippine News / China’s recent action vs Filipino troops not yet armed attack — Año

China’s recent action vs Filipino troops not yet armed attack — Año

The Philippine government does not see as armed attack China’s recent action against Filipino troops in the West Philippine Sea although it already led to severe injuries, including the dismemberment of a finger, and the confiscation of their firearms.

National Security Adviser Eduardo Año told reporters Monday, June 24, that Beijing’s latest in a string of its aggression cannot be classified as an armed attack “because by international definition, it is the use of military force, an excessive use of force, that could trigger collective self-defense.”

Questions about how the Philippine government saw the Chinese Coast Guard’s ramming of and onboarding on a Philippine resupply boat and the confiscation of firearms came amid the US’ Mutual Defense Treaty with Manila.

Under such a pact, Washington will step in should an armed attack be done against Manila in the waters.

“Even doon sa Article 51 ng UN Charter, at saka sa MDT, hindi siya magfafall sa definition ng armed attack (Even under Article 51 of the UN Charter and the MDT, it wouldn’t fall under the definition of an armed attack),” Año said.

“But the PRC violates a lot of international and domestic laws including use of illegal force, violation of… Convention on Collision at Sea and SOLAS, the International Convention on Safety o Llife at Sea and the Declaration of Conduct,” he added.

In April, Marcos first made it clear what would invoke the US’ MDT with the Philippines as gray zone operations—or activities that fall short of being called as war—continue in the waters still contested by China.

“I think (US Defense) Secretary (Lloyd) Austin explained it very well. If any servicemen, Filipino service man, is killed by an attack from any foreign power, then that is time to invoke the Mutual Defense Treaty,” the President said during a presidential forum with the Foreign Correspondents Association of the Philippines (FOCAP). — Joseph Pedrajas

Credit belongs to: www.mb.com.ph

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