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Quality housing, jobs, education crucial in building stronger nation

E CARTOON MAY 24, 2024.jpg

Housing, jobs, and education are three of the basic needs that the government should address to build a stronger and more prosperous Philippines.

In fact in December last year, the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) disclosed that over 25 million Filipinos struggle to meet their basic needs, primarily due to insufficient income.

Taking cognizance of these needs and President Marcos’ dream for the nation, the House of Representatives has taken significant strides to lift out less fortunate Filipinos from the clutches of homelessness, unemployment, and illiteracy.

The recent passage of House Bill (HB) No. 10172, also known as the “National Housing Authority Act,” stands as a testament to the House of Representatives’ dedication. This legislation aims to provide affordable housing solutions for the underprivileged, homeless, and low-income households. By ensuring access to safe and stable homes, the House of Representatives addresses a fundamental need that directly impacts the well-being of families around the country. Another measure is HB No. 9506, the “Rental Housing Subsidy Program Act.” It seeks to ease the plight of informal settler families by establishing a rental housing subsidy program. This measure recognizes the urgency of immediate relief and long-term stability for those struggling with housing insecurity.

To address unemployment, the House of Representatives underscored the importance of job creation which is essential for economic growth. The House has actively pursued measures to attract investments and generate employment opportunities. These efforts align with the administration’s vision of dignified work that can sustain Filipino families.

While not explicitly stated, the House’s push for economic Charter change (Cha-cha) reflects its commitment to accelerating foreign direct investments. The approved House version of Cha-cha aims to bolster the economy and create jobs, even as the Senate’s stance remains uncertain.

Recognizing the gap between current and expected learning competencies, the House passed HB No. 8210, the “Academic Recovery and Accessible Learning (ARAL) Program Act.” This legislation aims to bridge educational disparities and ensure that every student receives a quality education. Furthermore, HB No. 10142, the “Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD) System Act,” aligns early childhood services with maternal and child health programs. By investing in early education, the House lays the foundation for a brighter future for Filipino children.

Speaker Martin Romualdez encapsulated this commitment succinctly in his speech to end the second regular session of the 19th Congress on Wednesday, May 22.
“Let us carry with us the understanding that our work is not just a responsibility but a noble privilege—a chance to uplift our fellow Filipinos, leave a lasting imprint on our society, and pave the way for a more prosperous tomorrow,” Romualdez said.

With its accomplishments and commitments, the House of Representatives stands as a beacon of hope, tirelessly striving to transform aspirations into reality. As we move forward, let us celebrate these legislative victories and continue supporting initiatives that empower Filipinos. Together, we can build a stronger and more prosperous nation—one household, one job, and one educated mind.

Credit belongs to : www.mb.com.ph

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